The Compliance of the Sustainability Report in the European Standard

Implement the requirements of the EU sustainability reporting directive in the Environmental, Social, and Governance scope.

ESG is both an opportunity and a strategic challenge

Prepare your organization for the collection of additional quantitative and qualitative, historical, and prospective information necessary to comply with its stakeholders.

Having sustainability reporting practices is a growing requirement and a competitive necessity. Anticipate the needs of your clients and preempt regulatory requirements by enhancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) sustainability.

Identify your sustainability practices

WayESG by waymotion

Why WayESG?

ESG is synonymous with good environmental, social, and governance practices that have become essential for responsible companies and investments, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Increasingly, ESG issues are being incorporated into the workflows of the financial sector, impacting access to credit, and the insurance sector, with relevance to costs and operational contingencies.

Alignment with CRSD

Enhance visibility and control of initiatives aligned with ESG and the Sustainability Reporting framework easily and intuitively with automatic graphical visualization

Supports ESRS requirements

Enable the disclosure of information on approximately 85 disclosure requirements and over 1,100 references from various sustainability topics

Digital Transformation

Manage all information through a reliable and scalable solution


Possibility of providing forms for recording indicator progress


Easily connect to external sources, such as INE, UN or EU statistics, and many others

ODS Budget

Financial planning by SDG and integrated execution control with the budget (via WayBUDGET)

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